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Goals and Objectives: Vocabulary and Concept Development Structural Features of Informational Materials Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text Literary Response and Analysis Writing Organization and Focus Writing Evaluation and Revision Writing Applications Language Conventions College and Career Readiness Argumentation and utilizing supporting evidence Curriculum: The district adopted curriculum is the McGraw-Hill StudySync blended program StudySync unit workbooks Novels Supplementary worksheets Google Classroom Required Materials: Pens blue or black ink Silent Reading Book in their backpack at all times Fully charged tablet Evaluation: The number of accumulated points determines your final grade. Letter Grade Percentage A= 90%-100% B= 80%-89% C= 70%-79% D= 60%- 69% F=59% and below Class Expectations and Requirements: Students must be in their seats when the bell rings. All students must wear their ID cards on school lanyards at all times on campus. Students are to turn in cell phones in the class cellphone locker. Students that do not turn them in will not be required to do so, however if a cellphone is out in class or rings in a backpack, they will be required to turn it in to the cellphone locker. Once students enter the classroom, they are expected to copy the agenda into their planner. If a student does not have a school planner, they may have their own personal planner or a homemade planner as they will be signed ever Friday. and start work on the first assignment. If students have questions about homework or are absent, I encourage them to check Google Classroom and email me with questions. It is important for students to submit their work on time. This allows me to give feedback, and the student is allowed to revise their work to improve their understanding and their grade. Assignment Format: Upper Right Hand Corner First and Last Name Class Period Date Final Essay Drafts must be typed, 12 font, single space, Arial or Times Roman Numeral. Late Assignments: Late work is not accepted unless it is due to an excused absence. Students are allowed one day for each excused absence. Extra Credit: Extra Credit will be given throughout the year. It can be used to make up some small assignments, but will not be able to raise their grade an entire letter grade. Participation: Students must be present to participate. Participation will be evaluated on a weekly basis. Group Work Partner Work Class Discussions Peer Editing Parent (Guardian)/Teacher Communication: Please review your students Google Classroom for class updates. Please feel free to email me with any questions that you have. Zoom meetings are a great option for in-depth conversations. I am open to after school Zoom meetings to accommodate parent work schedules. My teacher website can be accessed through the Hercules Middle School website. Click on teachers and then click on my name. Donations: I have a DonorsChoose.org page at  HYPERLINK "http://www.donorschoose.org/mrsgiusto" http://www.donorschoose.org/mrsgiusto. Many companies donate at DonorsChoose.org. If you have the opportunity, please ask your employer if they donate to DonorsChoose.org or if they would be interested. Any class donations of the following are greatly appreciated: Accelerated Reader books for the class library Copy paper in any color (It will be used for class worksheets) Pens in blue or black ink (pens with advertisements are fine. I will keep them in a container in the front of the class for students that forget to bring a pen or a pencil.) 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